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⑴ 基金分析師,股票分析師,期貨分析師,是屬於金融學還是投資學還有那個市場營銷是屬於金融學還是經濟學


⑵ 投資學概論裡面的基金是什麼意思


⑶ 關於投資學的一些問題


⑷ 證券分析,期貨分析,還有基金分析,市場營銷分別屬於什麼專業投資學還是金融學還是經濟學高三畢業生


⑸ 投資學大師,基金的選擇方面應該注意什麼,什麼樣的基金較好,基金與股票、其優勢是什麼


⑹ 投資學、基金、證券或者CFA 的英文簡介

History of CFA Institute (CFA協會歷史)

Early Investment Societies are Birthplace of CFA Institute

In 1925, financial analysts formed the Investment Analyst Society of Chicago to promote investment ecation and professionalism and to provide forums with corporate financial managers. In 1937, the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA) was established by Benjamin Graham and others. In 1945, NYSSA began publishing The Analysts Journal, which was eventually renamed the Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ).
By 1947, analyst societies had formed in several other cities and four member societies — New York, Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia — merged to create the National Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (NFFAS). As new societies formed, they also joined the NFFAS. In 1954, NYSSA transferred publication of the FAJ to the NFFAS. By the later 1950s, NFFAS included more than 20 member societies.

Evolution of the CFA Designation

Benjamin Graham had proposed the need for a rating designation for analysts as early as 1942. However, it wasn』t until 1959 that the NFFAS board formed the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts (ICFA) to provide a certification of competence. The new ICFA was formally incorporated in 1961 and gave the first certification examination on 15 June 1963. The ICFA established a full set of three examination levels in 1964 and adopted a required code of ethics. NFFAS, which changed its name to the Financial Analyst Federation (FAF), began an increasingly sophisticated program of ecational and training programs in cooperation with its member societies. Before long, the ICFA was also promoting conferences, publishing books, and engaging in ecational endeavors.

Like-Minded Organizations Combine

Despite their common goals, the ICFA and the FAF were organized differently and had different memberships. The ICFA was run by its membership, which was restricted to those who held the CFA designation. The FAF, however, was a federation of societies. Most of its members held the CFA charter, although a number did not, and the FAF was controlled by its constituent societies, not directly by indivial members.

Nevertheless, the ICFA and the FAF worked closely together to improve the profession. By 1973, this cooperative effort resulted in a merger proposal. But it wasn』t until 1990 that the first formal merger step was taken, with the formation of the parent organization to both the ICFA and the FAF, the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR®). The ICFA and the FAF each continued to operate with separate boards and missions. The second step toward a merger occurred when the FAF moved its headquarters to shared space with the ICFA and AIMR.

Finally, in May 1999, the ICFA and the FAF were merged under AIMR, and the ICFA and the FAF ceased to exist. In May of 2004, the membership overwhelmingly voted to change the name to CFA Institute to align the organization with its core identity and to strengthen brand recognition.

⑺ 證券投資學求股票持有期間的應納稅額

證券就包含了股票、基金、債券。 股票是股份有限公司在籌集資本時向出資人公開發行的,用以證明出資人的股本身份和權利,根據股持有人所持有的股份數享有權益和承擔義務的可轉讓的一種有價證券。 基金是我國近年新興起的理財模式。基金在美國稱之為共同基金,共同基金起源於英國,興盛於美國。基金投資就是將小錢集成大錢,交給專業的人員管理,大家共同分享投資受益,分擔投資風險。基金理財有以下的好處: 1、專業管理:基金都是通過專業人員來管理的,他們可以通過深入的分析作出投資決策,投資績效比一般投資人高 2、分散投資:聚集了大家資金的基金規模大,實力雄厚,可以把錢分散投資於不同的投資標的,達到分散風險的目的。 3、管理安全:基金這個金融品種在設計上明確了投資與託管分離的原則。所以很多投資者願意選擇基金進行理財。 債券,通俗的講就是到期還本付息的標明債權債務關系的憑證,可證明持有者有按約定的條件向發行人取得利息和到期的收回本金的權利。我國目前的債券主要有國債、金融債券、企業債券。投資債券的益處:1、返還性,債券一般都規定了償還期限,到期一次性還本付息。2、流動性,債券持有人可以在二級市場轉讓而不會在價值上有很大的損失。3、安全性,債券的發行人一般是政府、信譽良好的公司或銀行,因此安全性較高。4、收益性,債券的收益性高於銀行存款,低於股票,但比股票收益穩健。 匿名

⑻ 電大證券投資學基金與股票和債券的區別




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