導航:首頁 > 證券期貨 > 證券商的英文


發布時間:2021-02-04 17:54:43

1. 英語翻譯,關於證券公司

Completed securities in the implementation of third-party inches pipe work, promote business transaction on the mode of economic business promotion, and mainly as a business application, material check and coordination, and through the internal consulting platform provides business, learn a lot of instry and the research report of listed companies.

問題補充:期貨從業資格專證屬書Futures qualifications certificate

2. 券商 英文怎麼說

Securities trader

3. 請問,證劵公司的英文怎麼說比如我實習的公司 長城證劵,該怎麼翻譯

stock exchange firm,或者securities company 長城證券可以翻譯成GREAT WALL SECURITIES CO.,LTD

4. 萬國證券公司的英文名

Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd. (SYWG)
Orient Securities Investment Bank

5. 券商 英文怎麼說 券商應該不能簡單翻譯成證券機構的.:)

Securities trader

6. 證券公司的英文單詞是什麼

securities company

7. 「證券行業」怎麼用英文說

Securities instry

8. 請問華夏證券公司的英文名稱是什麼不是現在這個中信建投,急用,萬分感謝!

China Securities

9. 證券用英語怎麼說

[詞典] security; bond; negotiable securities; paper;
U.S. prosecutors have widened a securities-fraud investigation

10. 用英文介紹某家保險公司或證券公司。

CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. (CITICS) was incorporated in Beijing on October
25, 1995.Upon approval of Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on
December 13, 2002, CITICS undertook an initial public offering (IPO) of 400
million common A shares. On January 6, 2003, CITICS (Ticker: 600030) was listed
on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

CITICS offered 334 million A shares August 31, 2007 and raised about RMB 25
billion, became the largest IB in China by capital. As of the end of 2010,
CITICS' total assets amounted to RMB153.2 billion, with net asset at RMB70.4

CITICS holds controlling stakes in six subsidiaries and as of the end of
2010, and in consolidated terms, it has 149 branches in China (incl. Hong

CITICS maintains the leading position on business fronts such as investment
banking, brokerage, asset management, investment advisory service, etc. and has
already been providing diversified quality financial services and procts by
prioritizing the demand of clients and making the best of the powerful
franchise, rich client bases and smooth market intelligence sharing.

Going forward, we will provide a full range of financial services and
solutions with professional investment banking teams and advantages as a
diversified financial services provider so as to create more value for



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