A. 请问证券市场基础知识,证券交易,这两本书用英文怎么说还有证券业从业资格考试这个怎么说呢~
证券基础知识:Basic knowledge of securities
证券交易:Stock Exchange
证券业从业资格考试: Securities qualification examination
证券是多种经版济权益凭证的统称,也指权专门的种类产品,是用来证明券票持有人享有的某种特定权益的法律凭证。 它主要包括资本证券、货币证券和商品证券等。狭义上的证券主要指的是证券市场中的证券产品,其中包括产权市场产品如股票,债权市场产品如债券,衍生市场产品如股票期货、期权、利率期货等。证券学的学科体系是由从不同角度研究证券市场的行为特征及其运行规律的各分支学科综合构成的有机体系,主要包括传统证券学理论和演化证券学理论两大研究领域。
B. 关于证券市场的问题(英文)
1、a、 (5000×10%+5000×2%)/5000= 12%, b、要下降9.5美元 1、
C. 证券市场基本法律法规用英语怎么说
Basic laws and regulations of the securities market
D. 股票的英语叫什么
英 [stɒk] 美 [stɑ抄:k]
第三人称单数: stocks 复数: stocks 现在分词: stocking 过去式: stocked 过去分词: stocked
E. 证券市场中的“中小投资者”用英文怎么说
Small and medium investor
F. 高分悬赏证券英文翻译
digest:recent years,along with our securities business developing in our country,listed company acounting information distortion is aggravating now,it directly impair the investor's profit,make the society resource wasted
G. 求!!!!!!!一份股票市场中专用名词的英文 谢谢!!!!!!!!!!
交易量 Trading volume
trading volume the number of shares, bonds or contracts traded ring a given period, for a security or an entire exchange.The bond market (also known as the debt, credit, or fixed income market) is a financial market where participants buy and sell debt securities, usually in the form of bonds. As of 2006, the size of the international bond market is an estimated $45 trillion, of which the size of the outstanding U.S. bond market debt was $25.2 trillion.
Nearly all of the $923 billion average daily trading volume (as of early 2007) in the U.S. Bond Market[2] takes place between broker-dealers and large institutions in a decentralized, over-the-counter (OTC) market. However, a small number of bonds, primarily corporate, are listed on exchanges.
References to the "bond market" usually refer to the government bond market, because of its size, liquidity, lack of credit risk and, therefore, sensitivity to interest rates. Because of the inverse relationship between bond valuation and interest rates, the bond market is often used to indicate changes in interest rates or the shape of the yield curve.
Market structure
Bond markets in most countries remain decentralized and lack common exchanges like stock, future and commodity markets. This has occurred, in part, because no two bond issues are exactly alike, and the number of different securities outstanding is far larger.
However, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the largest centralized bond market, representing mostly corporate bonds. The NYSE migrated from the Automated Bond System (ABS) to the NYSE Bonds trading system in April 2007 and expects the number of traded issues to increase from 1000 to 6000.
Types of bond markets
The Securities Instry and Financial Markets Association classifies the broader bond market into five specific bond markets.
Government & Agency
Mortgage Backed, Asset Backed, and Collateralized Debt Obligation
Bond market participants
Bond market participants are similar to participants in most financial markets and are essentially either buyers (debt issuer) of funds or sellers (institution) of funds and often both.
Participants include:
Institutional investors;
Traders; and
Because of the specificity of indivial bond issues, and the lack of liquidity in many smaller issues, the majority of outstanding bonds are held by institutions like pension funds, banks and mutual funds. In the United States, approximately 10% of the market is currently held by private indivials.
Bond market volatility
For market participants who own a bond, collect the coupon and hold it to maturity, market volatility is irrelevant; principal and interest are received according to a pre-determined schele.
But participants who buy and sell bonds before maturity are exposed to many risks, most importantly changes in interest rates. When interest rates increase, the value of existing bonds fall, since new issues pay a higher yield. Likewise, when interest rates decrease, the value of existing bonds rise, since new issues pay a lower yield. This is the fundamental concept of bond market volatility: changes in bond prices are inverse to changes in interest rates. Fluctuating interest rates are part of a country's monetary policy and bond market volatility is a response to expected monetary policy and economic changes.
Economists' views of economic indicators versus actual released data contribute to market volatility. A tight consensus is generally reflected in bond prices and there is little price movement in the market after the release of "in-line" data. If the economic release differs from the consensus view the market usually undergoes rapid price movement as participants interpret the data. Uncertainty (as measured by a wide consensus) generally brings more volatility before and after an economic release. Economic releases vary in importance and impact depending on where the economy is in the business cycle.
Bond investments
Investment companies allow indivial investors the ability to participate in the bond markets through bond funds, closed-end funds and unit-investment trusts. In 2006 total bond fund net inflows increased 97% from $30.8 billion in 2005 to $60.8 billion in 2006.[4] Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are another alternative to trading or investing directly in a bond issue. These securities allow indivial investors the ability to overcome large initial and incremental trading sizes.
Bond indices
Main article: Bond market index
A number of bond indices exist for the purposes of managing portfolios and measuring performance, similar to the S&P 500 or Russell Indexes for stocks. The most common American benchmarks are the Lehman Aggregate, Citigroup BIG and Merrill Lynch Domestic Master. Most indices are parts of families of broader indices that can be used to measure global bond portfolios, or may be further subdivided by maturity and/or sector for managing specialized portfolios.'
See also
Government bond
Corporate bond
Bond market index
Interest rate risk
Primary market
Secondary market
Bond Valuation
H. 证券交易英文定义
Securities is used to prove security holders have the right to obtain the appropriate rights credentials. Securities transactions, refers to the issued securities traded in the stock market. Securities transactions is generally divided into two forms: a form that is traded, refers to the securities at the stock exchange dealings in the centralized Exchange. Where the approved in stock exchange trading of securities in the register as listed securities; its securities to trading on a stock exchange listing of the company, called listed companies. Another form is over the counter transactions, refers to the public but is not up to the listing standards of securities in securities trading market sale of the counter.
I. 证券英语翻译:actively traded in the open market 是什么意思 谢!
公开市场(open market):公开市场中证券交易的目的在于最大限度地追求经济利益,并掌握必要的市场信息,有较充裕的时间进行交易,交易对象具有必要的专业知识,交易条件公开并不具有排它性的交易市场。
J. 证券市场的牛市和熊市,用英语怎么说
牛市 bull market;熊市 bear marker
股票市场上有“熊市”和“牛市”之说,前者表示“空头市场”,而后专者是属“行情看涨的市场”。英文谚语Don't sell the bearskin before the bear was caught(不要在抓住熊之前就把熊皮卖掉), 和人们在“熊市”的卖空头的做法有异曲同工之处。